ESWI activity

ESWI Summit 2022: Pandemic Preparedness, Where Science and Policy Meet

Thank you to all attendees!

21 June 2022 | Brussels & online

The ESWI Respiratory Virus Summit, entitled Pandemic Preparedness: Where Science and Policy Meet, took place in Brussels and online on Tuesday 21 June 2022. Themes of the Summit included early warning systems, diagnostic platforms, pathogen discovery, mathematical models, clinical trial platforms, non-pharmaceutical intervention and treatment strategies, pharmaceutical intervention strategies, education, communication, and global cooperation.

Taking a One Health and Global Health approach, we have explored requirements for prediction, planning and execution aspects of pandemic preparedness.


Chaired by

Colin Russell
ESWI Chair, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Debora MacKenzie
Science journalist specialising in infectious disease and author of “Stopping the Next Pandemic”, France

Watch our 15 minute recap: