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  1. News
    Influenza Diabetes Community symposium: “Why is Diabetes and Influenza a Killer Combination?”
    IDC organised this session delved into the complex interplay between diabetes and influenza at OPTIONS XII. It was chaired by Kirsty Short, ESWI Associate Member, featured talks by Katina Hulme, Oana Sandulescu and Tor Biering-Sørensen.
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  2. News,Scientific Papers
    Scientific highlights of the 9th ESWI Influenza Conference
    With promising developments in the field of respiratory viral infections, the conference sessions covered hot topics on seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza viruses, as well as other respiratory viruses such as RSV and SARS-CoV-2.
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  3. Video
    ESWI 2023 Recap of Day 1
    Watch the video highlights
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  4. Video
    The bidirectional relationship between influenza and diabetes mellitus
    The IDC partner symposium addressed questions like why influenza and diabetes are important to consider jointly; whether there is a bidirectional relationship; role of influenza vaccination on diabetes progression; how to improve vaccination uptake...
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  5. News
    Diabetes Community Pledge for the European Parliament Elections 2024
    Sign the Diabetes Community Pledge to support the 32 million people living with diabetes in the European Union and their families. Take action by creating a strong EU diabetes policy framework supportive of national diabetes action plans.
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  6. News,Scientific Papers
    Inflammageing mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes is associated with diabetes duration
    Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased tumor necrosis factor-α by CD8 T cells. Increased granzyme B production by natural killer cells and γδ T cells is observed in type 2 diabetes.
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  7. News,Reports
    The Ninth ESWI Influenza Conference: Highlights
    ESWI 2023: 10 key take home messages
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  8. News
    International scientific community gathers in Valencia for the 9th ESWI Conference on Influenza, COVID-19, and RSV
    Since it was established 30 years ago, the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza and other Acute Respiratory Viruses (ESWI) is hosting the 9TH ESWI Influenza Conference
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