ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
Nationality: British
Position: Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases, MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR)
Research Fields: respiratory viruses
Short description: Dr Antonia (Toni) Ho received her medical degree from the University of Glasgow in 2002. She trained in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine in Glasgow and London. In 2010, she took time out of her medical training to undertake an MSc in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She was subsequently awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship, which she undertook in Malawi characterising the burden and severity of influenza illness in Malawian adults.
After completing her specialist training in 2018, she was appointed a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the CVR. Her research focuses on the clinical epidemiology of respiratory viruses in UK and Malawi, in particular, defining disease burden, risk factors for severe disease, risk stratification (e.g. development of 4C mortality score), viral-viral and viral-bacterial interactions and the use of respiratory metagenomics to improve aetiological diagnosis of acute respiratory infection. She has sat on national committees on COVID-19 and was the recruitment lead in Scotland for ISARIC4C, a national consortium to study hospitalised COVID-19 patients between 2020-2022. She was awarded the Medical Research Foundation Emerging Leader Prize for COVID-19 research in 2021.