ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
Director Research Institute SHARE; advisor to WHO, EU & Health Council; scientific advisory boards for / scientific advice to various pharmaceutical industries and consultancies, inclusive some RuG spin-offs; various editorships, inclusive PLoS One, Expert Reviews of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology and BMC Health Services Research; assessor for Kenniscentrum (KCE; Belgium); member JCVI; external teacher (for example, Bielefeld, Germany); assessor All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (Grwp Strategaeth Meddyginiaethau Cymru Gyfan), shareholder Health-Ecore; owner Pharmacoeconomics Advice Groningen