ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
ESWI Education Hub provides articles and links to important scientific papers, reviewed by the ESWI Board members, and other online educational activities
Through her leadership at the International Federation on Ageing Dr Barratt strives to influence and help shape policies that impact older people of today and future generations.
Maintaining and building organisational relationships is viewed by Jane as the most critical task in influencing change. She has committed across her career to effectively connect experts from the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), government, industry, NGOs and academia to advance critical policy portfolios through the lens of older people.
Jane has an acute sense of organizational management, staff development and the analysis of operations leading to improvements in policies, programs and client outcomes across sectors and disciplines. Her attention to detail is not only a hallmark of her work and career but intensely frustrating at times to her staff and extended network!
Among her many honors Dr Barratt is a Churchill Fellow, and was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in Canada in recognition of her commitment and passion to enhance the understanding of issues relating to ageing and engaging in dialogue with governments and the private sector to improve the quality of life of older people.
She is a strong and passionate contributor to international dialogue on tough age-related policy issues that impact the lives and human rights of older people. As international speaker and facilitator of some repute, Jane has been known to deliver thought provoking sessions that call on audiences to take action.
Dr Barratt represents the IFA at the United Nations Economic and Social Council, is directly responsible for the formal relations with the Ageing and Life Course Department, WHO and holds executive and board positions on ministerial, government and NGOs and on occasions coordinates and leads international research efforts.