ESWI activities

Webinar: H5N1
4 June 2024
Online webinar
10th Influenza Conference 2025
20 - 23 October 2025
Valencia, Spain
The European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI) will organise the 10th edition of its ESWI Influenza Conference in Valencia from 20 - 23 October 2025.
ESWI Airborne: Life as a scientist
Listen to the new ESWI podcast series featuring Early Career Scientist and explore the joys and sorrows of establishing a scientific career.
Webinar: Immunisation & Treatment
30 November 2023
Online webinar


European Respiratory Society Congress 2024
Vienna, Austria
The ERS Congress 2024 will be held from 7–11 September in Vienna, Austria at RX Wien GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna.
EASD Annual Meeting 2024
Madrid, Spain
The EASD Annual Meeting 2024 is an excellent opportunity to stay up to date with recent developments in the diabetes field. It is the interface between science and clinical practice where key discussions take place that will move the field forward.
20th EuGMS Congress
Valencia, Spain
“From Healthy Ageing to Complex Needs in Older Adults“ is the main topic of the EuGMSCongress which will take place in Valencia (18-20 September).
8th World One Health Congress
Cape Town, South Africa
The Congress foresees four days of an outstanding, exceptional and forward-thinking agenda, which includes parallel tracks addressing one health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, and science policy interface, amongst others.
WONCA Europe Conference 2024
Dublin, Ireland
The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) is hosting the WONCA Europe conference 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.
OPTIONS XII for the Control of Influenza
Brisbane, Australia
Options for the Control of Influenza will bring together researchers, practitioners, industry representatives and policy makers from all around the world to explore and advance our understanding of influenza and its impact on human and animal health.

Education hub

What is the difference between influenza and a common cold?
H1N2v flu infects 2 more people in Pennsylvania
The state reported a similar H1N2v case in March, so the two new cases lift the nation's total for the year to three.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A(H5N1) Clade Infection in Free-Ranging Polar Bear, Alaska, USA
We report a natural infection with a Eurasian highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus in a free-ranging juvenile polar bear (Ursus maritimus) found dead in North Slope Borough, Alaska, USA.
CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update June 28, 2024
CDC provides an update on its response activities related to the multistate outbreak of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, or "H5N1 bird flu," in dairy cows and other animals in the United States.

ESWI networks & communities

Influenza Diabetes Community

The Influenza Diabetes Community (IDC) unites scientists, healthcare professionals, patient -and other stakeholder organisations to discuss, share best practices and to network with the objective to raise awareness of the burden of influenza, Covid-19 and RSV in people living with diabetes.

Early Career Scientists Network

Some of the best and most innovative ideas come from early career scientists, they are the future of the influenza field. For this reason, ESWI has been actively encouraging the careers of early career scientists for many years.